"Traveling the Spectrum" is a six-part series that offers an intimate glimpse into the lives of three families living with autism, showcasing their heartfelt journeys toward understanding, acceptance and the joy of creating memories and discovering the world together.
We’re thrilled to announce that after months of grassroots campaigning, Traveling the Spectrum has been picked up by Peacock!
This milestone couldn’t have been reached without the incredible groundswell of support from everyone who shared our trailer and pledged their enthusiasm for the show.
To watch the full series, be sure to subscribe to Peacock so you can watch beginning Dec. 12!
We’re thrilled to announce that after months of grassroots campaigning, Traveling the Spectrum is now available for streaming on Peacock!
This milestone couldn’t have been reached without the incredible groundswell of support from everyone who shared our trailer and pledged their enthusiasm for the show.
To watch the full series, be sure to subscribe now —your adventure is just a click away!
Join the "Traveling the Spectrum" movement—built on the core belief that everyone deserves to travel. Together, we're shaping a future where the joy of travel is accessible to every family, no matter their circumstances.
This series is more than stories — it’s a beacon of change; highlighting the adventures, challenges and triumphs of these families, driving us to a more inclusive and understanding world.